LEP AG – Mit Web-based Training fit für den Klinikalltag

Ready to handle everyday hospital life thanks to web-based training

tts has developed a web-based training solution (WBT) for LEP that gets staff of health institutions ready for recording care documentation using the LEP method. This ensures standardized documentation of care services.
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Everything in one place   

LEP was looking for a structured, precise training solution that would quickly familiarize hospital personnel with the LEP method. For preference, the organization wanted a digital solution, because it does not have sufficient staff and resources to conduct on-site training for all employees in the health care institutions to ensure lasting transfer of knowledge about the LEP method. What’s more, increasing numbers of hospitals are setting up learning platforms. In addition, the learning solution would have to meet the customers’ differing needs.  

Icon Sitz/Standort
St. Gallen
Mitarbeitende für digitalen Wandel begeistern
More than
800 healthcare facilities

Added value for hospitals   

tts provided LEP with comprehensive advice regarding eLearning and created a user-friendly, visually attractive WBT solution in German, French and English. tts also took care of delivery and technical clarifications with the LEP customers. The WBT provides a huge amount of support to learners as they get to grips with the LEP method. Demand for the method has continued to grow steadily. LEP products are now used in more than 800 hospitals, psychiatric units, rehabilitation centers and other health care facilities in Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Italy.

Crisis-proof product that can also be used remotely

Consistently high-quality training

Easy to reach the target group

Less work for the support teams in the hospitals

Reliable quality assurance of the documentation

Use as a marketing and knowledge tool

Marcel Welzbacher, Verkauf und Beratung Deutschland, LEP AG
The WBT has a clear didactic structure, and is a huge leap forward in terms of the quality of service data recording and documentation. That’s why it is proving so popular – both in our own team and with our customers.
Marcel Welzbacher
Sales and Consulting, Germany, LEP AG

Service from a single source 

The LEP method makes it possible to document and analyze health care services in a standardized way. The more easily, reliably and quickly the data in a hospital is recorded, the greater the data transparency, treatment quality and patient safety will be. In this regard, the eLearning solution plays a vital role, because it enables the target group to efficiently build up the key skills they need to record data – wherever they are and whenever they have time. Since LEP did not have any prior eLearning expertise, the organization was looking for an experienced partner capable of offering all the services required from a single source. What they wanted was a partner who would advise and plan, then also take on the design and production of the WBT, and ultimately also deliver the product to the customer. The aim is to use the WBT to optimize the quality assurance of the documentation and thus provide real added value to customers.

Sector experience as the ace up the sleeve

LEP chose tts as its partner. Key to this decision was the success tts had enjoyed in its collaboration with ePA-CC GmbH, which impressed managers at LEP. The design and structure of the WBT were perfect for the sector, and this was the style LEP wanted for its training courses.    

In fact, besides being able to work in a trusting partnership, experience of the sector and the ability to know what content matters most are absolute musts. The tts team prepared the learning content in an educational way, put together scripts and provided voice-overs in various languages. All in all, tts developed WBT courses for patient documentation with the LEP method as a core function and with an integrated epaAC example. tts then also took care of delivering the training to the customers and clarifying the technical side.  

Flexibility makes all the difference

The eLearning solution proved to be a real hit! It meant that, despite COVID restrictions in health care facilities and staff shortages in hospitals, learning could continue without any delays. More and more hospitals are making the move to learning platforms that can easily be linked to the WBT modules. Although the different needs of the customers meant a huge amount of flexibility was required when it came to the individual design of the WBT, this is something tts always considers in its planning.  

Catalyst for added value

All the feedback from LEP and responses from the health care facilities have been overwhelmingly positive.  The WBT provides a structured and straightforward solution for teaching the hospital staff the basics of recording care interventions. In this way, it makes a key contribution to safeguarding the quality of documentation. One other advantage is becoming more and more noticeable – the reliable and comprehensive documentation of data opens up new analysis, forecasting and benchmarking opportunities for the hospitals. Following the principle of “Collect once – use many times”, for example, it is easier to plan staffing needs and budgets for care, to distribute resources. The management also benefits from the transparency regarding costs and services. All in all, the WBT courses help the health care facilities become central players in their sector.  

LEP AG – Mit Web-based Training fit für den Klinikalltag


  • Ensuring high-quality documentation of data 
  • Generating added value for the hospitals 
  • Boost for the hospitals, which can leverage knowledge transfer using cutting-edge digital methods as a market advantage  

About LEP AG

Founded in the 1980s, the organization focused its core business on “Leistungserfassung in der Pflege” (LEP – service recording in the care sector). Although the name remains, the organization has now developed into the market leader for recording and mapping health care services in German-speaking countries. The LEP method is used for billing services, quality assurance and cost transparency. This opens up the possibility of sharing data across organizations and across borders, and connects processes and players within the health care sector. 

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