tts performance suite powered by AI: Infos zum Release 2023r2
Information on the 2023r2 release

tts performance suite 2023r2


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The future is now

The 2023r2 release of the tts performance suite is leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to boost productivity in day-to-day work. Find out from tts Managing Director Dr. Rolf Zajonc how AI in a digital adoption platform can help organizations master digital transformation.

Mit der Integration von KI in die tts performance suite bringen Sie unternehmensspezifisches Wissen schneller als je zuvor an Ihre Mitarbeitenden.
Thanks to the integration of AI into the tts performance suite, you can get organization-specific know-how to your staff faster than ever before. Curated content from your experts helps ensure your workforce can continue to implement business processes, guidelines and specifications without any errors.
Rolf Zajonc, Managing Director at tts
Dr. Rolf Zajonc
Managing Director at tts

AI and improved standards with the new tts performance suite

In the new release, artificially generated avatars guide users through processes, topics and learning units while ChatGPT supports text editing. Also new is the option to display topics directly in QuickAccess, as well as course exports with xAPI and cmi5 support. In our webinars, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about our new solutions for efficient learning.

tts performance suite powered by AI: Infos zum Release 2023r2

An overview of the new functions

  • Thanks to AI tools, the tts performance suite has learnt to talk and has a face
  • Present topics clearly and directly in QuickAccess
  • xAPI and cmi5 standard for our learning formats
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tts performance suite powered by AI
Ready for a future with AI

tts performance suite powered by AI

Boost employee productivity with generative AI, maximize the ROI of your AI investments, and future-proof your enterprise - with tts performance suite, the only Digital Adoption Platform for enterprise-wide transformation.

See all enhancements in action

Discover the benefits of the 2023r2 release of the tts performance suite.

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