Practical tips and best practices from experts
Does the following scenario sound familiar? You’ve learned the basics of a software package and now you’d like some practical tips and best-practice examples from an expert. You’ve also encountered a number of issues and are looking for some specific answers. That’s how things often work out for new Microsoft 365 users. And this is where our webinars can really help.
During the opening events, participants get to know the user interface and the opportunities offered by the Microsoft tools. During longer training sessions, we then explain the functions and offer practical tips on collaboration using Teams, Planner and other tools. Participants also get the chance to ask questions about their own application scenarios during the webinar.
The benefits for you
- Led by experienced trainers
- Short training sessions for the initial stages – user interface, options
- Long training sessions as extension exercises – functions, practical tips
- Direct communication and the opportunity to ask questions
Let us know how we can help you overcome your challenges and seize opportunities.